OpRisk Excellence

Running professional operational risk management requires solving very diverse tasks. The AQOpRisk solution includes a unique operational risk framework that combines these tasks in an easy-to-use solution - making it possible to perform effective and high-quality operational risk management with few resources.

High value-creation from operational risk management


Managing operational incidents

Identifying, reporting, and reviewing operational incidents from the business is one of the most basic and important tasks in operational risk management. It is a natural starting point for companies and organizations that want to implement sound operational risk management.


Risk & Control Self-Assessments (RCSA)

The risk & control self-assessment (RCSA) module coupled with risk workshops contains all the functionality required for assessing large potential operational events. Large potential events drive the capital adequacy required for operational risks. It is required by law that the Board of Management and the Board of Directors have a clear understanding of these risks.


Risk & Capital Adequacy Calculations

Much operational risk management concerns capturing individual incidents and identify large potential events. Performing risk calculations makes it possible to have complete portfolio assessments of the operational risks at hand and not just consider individual potential events and incidents.


Risk, Regulatory & Capital Reporting

The application includes a comprehensive reporting module that allows for full breakdown of operational risks across the business and many other dimensions. The reporting is highly flexible and dynamic regarding user preferences. All graphs are easily exported.

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Specialist Analytics

Working with credit, risk, and capital analysis many complex analytical challenges arise. The AQANALYTICS solution is dedicated to support specialists in solving such analytical tasks/problems. It helps automate manual and ad-hoc tasks and perform them systematically and very fast - allowing for more efficient use of resources.

Banking Optimization

The AQOPTIMIZER solution makes it easy to optimize the core banking business. The solution allows for much enhanced use of data, analytics, and modern technology. Bank advisors are supported in assessing and pricing clients optimally, while management and staff specialists can assure profitability targets are met.

What our clients say

"The AQOPTIMIZER solution creates great value through a better understanding of the relationship between pricing and risk, which strengthens the profitability of the bank"
Frank Mortensen
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Arbejdernes Landsbank
"The AQOPTIMIZER solution is a user-friendly and easily accessible solution that brings great value and understanding to individual advisors, departments and management on the relationship between pricing and capital charges."
Nikolai Krogh-Hansen
Head of Corporate Banking
Sparekassen Thy
"With the AQOPTIMIZER solution, we now have a framework that allows us to get a quick and easy overview of earnings on different customer segments. This applies at individual and portfolio level."
Per Smith
Head of Business Development
Fynske Bank
"With AQOPTIMIZER, we can now put more decision power in the hands of our advisors, as the application systematically supports our customer-facing employees in cost- and risk-based pricing. This is based on Management's risk appetite, which is integrated into the solution and derived in all decision-making."
Carsten Ringgaard
Head of IT & Business Development
Merkur Andelskasse
"For 7 years we have used a pricing tool which has progressed the bank in understanding pricing - with the AQOPTIMIZER solution suite we can move the bank to the next level, with the ability to individualize, simulate and report."
Erik Nejrup Kjærside
Head of Business Development – Corporates
Vestjysk Bank
"The AQOPTIMIZER solution is an intuitive and user-friendly framework for the individual employee and contributes to an efficient everyday life for the bank's corporate advisors."
Frank Mortensen
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Arbejdernes Landsbank
"From access to the AQOPTIMIZER solution through to implementation by end users, we have experienced a very high level of service, with quick responses, good sparring, and a great willingness to develop the system to suit the bank's needs."
Erik Nejrup Kjærside
Head of Business Development – Corporates
Vestjysk Bank
"The AQOPTIMIZER solution has already shifted the understanding of department managers and financial advisors, towards a holistic view of the profitability of a customer or customer group."
Nikolai Krogh-Hansen
Head of Corporate Banking
Sparekassen Thy
"AQRISK provides competent support on a daily basis and acts as a good sparring partner during both the implementation process and once the application has gone live."
Frank Mortensen
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Arbejdernes Landsbank
"The AQOPTIMIZER solution has allowed us to ensure that profitability on clients are valued more consistently across the bank."
Per Smith
Head of Business Development
Fynske Bank
"We find that AQRISK has a strong focus on continuously developing and improving the application in collaboration with the banks. The development and implementation of concrete improvement proposals is very rapid."
Frank Mortensen
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Arbejdernes Landsbank
"Even though we are a smaller, niche and value-based bank with limited IT resources, we have still been able to implement the AQOPTIMIZER application relatively easily in close cooperation with AQRISK. The solution is within the framework of our datacenter and thus presents very limited data and system risks."
Carsten Ringgaard
Head of IT & Business Development
Merkur Andelskasse
"With the AQOPTIMIZER solution, we can continuously monitor the profitability of our customers and more quickly identify customers who have been priced incorrectly."
Per Smith
Head of Business Development
Fynske Bank
"By moving to the AQOPTIMIZER solution we have reduced time used for client assessments and pricing by a factor 12 - this provides great user satisfaction and makes implementation and banking optimization very efficient."
Erik Nejrup Kjærside
Head of Business Development – Corporates
Vestjysk Bank
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